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goal 2- Establish a baseline with SleepGuard

I’ve moved on to Goal 2 of my blog to help determine how much I grind or clench my teeth as a baseline. I can then see how the numbers change with different treatments. My sleep schedule overall has been fairly consistent give or take 30-45 minutes. I got thrown off recently by the time change and a sickness.

Truthfully, my jaw has been hurting often, so I am eager to start trying things out to get some bruxism relief. To get a baseline measurement, I haven’t been wearing any nightguard or taking any other actions before bed to relax. Here are some numbers so far:

SleepGuard aka GrindAlert Results (without any biofeedback):

Slept 12:00 pm-6:30 am
62 clenches
153 seconds
Bite level- 3

Slept 11:45 pm-7:00 am
44 clenches
65 seconds
Bite level- 3

Slept 12:00 pm-6:45 am
52 clenches
89 seconds
Bite level- 3

Slept 11:45 pm-7:30 am
54 clenches
75 seconds
Bite level- 3

Slept 11:45 pm-6:45 am
55 clenches
101 seconds
Bite level- 3

As far as pain upon waking, it is something I should have written down, but normally it is a 3 pain level. This is obviously harder to measure since subjective. I can normally tell when I grind or clench less in my sleep because my jaw hardly aches upon awakening.

In my future tracking, I could possibly add a column for “Yes” or “No” for pain upon awakening, or I could also list a number for pain. Every night tracked above would be a “Yes” for pain upon awakening.

I also tracked other nights but didn’t write down my sleeping hours. However, such measurements were between the 40s-70s for clenches.

While I could track even more nights, I’m happy with this baseline to start trying things out. If I weren’t waking up in pain, I would give it more time and measurements.

Time to fight my bruxism!

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